Eye Level English introduces children to Phonics with our booklets, Readers (mini storybooks), and flashcards! Children learn new words repeatedly through various activities in the booklets such as coloring, matching, games, etc.
Click here to find out more, or call your nearest Learning Centre to schedule an assessment with us!
Your invitation to Summit of Math FREE TRIAL is here – Eye Level is inviting all 6 to 14 year olds to try out this exciting programme! Summit of Math is the personalised and adaptive digital school math program just for you.
To start your 2 weeks trial, simply follow these steps:
1. For existing students, inform your Centre Manager/Instructor. Non-Eye Level students have to register @ summit.eyelevel.sg 2. Receive your unique login Class Code & ID via email. 3. Begin your Summit of Math trial!
This 14 days trial is FREE for you to experience. Have fun discovering Summit of Math. Experience, Enjoy, and Enrol!
Eye Level English is a comprehensive literacy programme.
The programme helps learners to develop effective communication skills and strong content knowledge by enhancing their literacy skills. Eye Level comprehensive literacy helps students to be strong readers and writers with a wealth of flexible study materials.
The primary goal of the Eye Level English programme is to make students proficient in the broad range of literacy skills according to their grade levels, or beyond! Students will develop listening, reading, and writing skills, through the systematic introduction of new concepts and the reinforcement of previously learned skills.
This is Robert Xiu, Eye Level Singapore’s Ambassador.
Robert enrolled in Eye Level when he was nine years old, and continued studying with us for five years, before graduating Eye Level at age 14. Having completed the last level, Level 32, of Eye Level Math, Robert is presented with the Eye Level Senior Scholar/Completer Award. While studying with Eye Level, Robert also competed in the Eye Level Math Olympiad and attained ‘Gold’ for six consecutive years, from 2012 to 2017.
On top of school, the current Raffles Institution, JC2, student is working as a Software Engineer in a non-profit organization. Even before this, Robert has been developing softwares for a few years. And he truly enjoys doing that as he finds it interesting. Robert amazes all of us in Eye Level Singapore with his passion and skills, and will always cheer him on.
Stay tuned as we get-ready Robert’s learning know-hows and advice for his Eye Level juniors!
In Eye Level, we emphasise on self-directed learning. With us, students experience a sense of achievement and confidence that will increase their motivation to learn. Eye Level students grow into independent learners and develop initiative and perseverance.
Bring your child to Experience Eye Level with (from left to right, top to bottom) Everleigh, Theron, Sarah, Aahil, and Arnav! Join our trial lesson at any of our Eye Level Learning Centres. Trial period ends 30 April 2021 – you won’t want to miss out on this!
Congratulations to all 21 Ambassadors, from around the globe, selected to represent Eye Level in the year 2021.
Eye Level Singapore’s first ambassador is Robert Xiu. Robert was an Eye Level student for 6 years, from 2011 to 2017. He graduated from Eye Level as a Senior Scholar, completing the last level (Level 32) of the Eye Level Math program.
Some of Robert’s achievements with and outside of Eye Level include attaining Gold for the 2012 to 2017 Eye Level Math Olympiad and being awarded Gold for the 2015 Young Whizzes Challenge.
All of us in Eye Level Singapore is proud of Robert, and all the 2021 Eye Level Ambassador applicants. For the full list of the 21 Eye Level Ambassadors, click here.
Happy Talk is an online and offline situational speaking program. Students master practical English naturally through entertaining animations that demonstrate core daily expressions. This allows students to learn everyday English from various situations.
Happy Talk supports and enriches the effectiveness of the English study. Improve your speaking skills with Happy Talk now! Call us at 6397 6117 to find out more.
Annually, Eye Level Singapore organizes an Award Ceremony to promote, recognize, and reward students with outstanding performances for global competitions such as the Eye Level Literary Award (ELLA) and Eye Level Math Olympiad (ELMO).
This year, we are honoring the winners of ELLA, ELMO (Lite), and the Eye Level Completers (Scholars) through a specially-made video.
It is our pleasure to announce the 2020 Eye Level Winners. Your hours of hard work to prepare for the competition(s) and/or years of dedication to achieve completion of the Eye Level program are recognized. We are proud of you and your accomplishments.
Congratulations, winners:
Eye Level Literary Award (ELLA) Illustrated Writing (Junior) – 4yo to 6yo GOLD – Lim Zi Xin, Ally SILVER – Huang Yichen BRONZE – Emma Chang
Writing – 10yo to 14 yo GOLD – Lucas Chan SILVER – Umaiza Zaini BRONZE – Ayra Nur Adilia Shahmirshah
Eye Level Math Olympiad (Lite) Perfect Scorers Joshua Tan Jean Keat Kaeden Soh
And, not forgetting all our 2020 Scholars, the Juniors and Seniors!
The certificates and/or trophies will be ready for collection in your respective learning centres from 8 March to 14 March 2021. All participants of the Eye Level competitions will also receive a ‘Certificate of Participation’.