Eye Level Singapore wishes everyone Happy Renri

Eye Level Singapore wishes everyone Happy Renri (人日)!!

Renri (Chinese:人日, literally Human Day) refers specially to the 7th day of zhengyue (正月, the first month in the Chinese calendar). According to Chinese customs, renri was the day human beings were created. It is celebrated not only in China, but also other regions influenced by Chinese culture.

Nowadays in zhengyue, renri is celebrated as part of the Chinese New Year. Chinese people prepare lucky food in the new year, where “Seven-vegetable soup” (七菜羹), “Seven-vegetable congee” (七菜粥) and “Jidi congee” (及第粥) are specially prepared for renri. The Malaysian and Singaporean Chinese use “Seven-colour sliced fish” (七彩魚生) instead of “Seven-vegetable soup”.